I had quite a day today!
That was only fair, because last week dad was gone for a whole month! Now that he’s back it was fun to spend the day together.
Today I got to spend time with all of my moms!
To begin with, it was finally time to return the little kennel that my Practice Mom let my mom and dad use when they brought me home. It’s the one I slept in for a while next to dad’s bed until I outgrew it and decided to start sleeping in my big kennel across the room. We had been keeping it until we could meet up with my Practice Mom somewhere that didn’t involve a three hour drive.
Well, today my Practice Mom was at a place called All Star Dog Sports near Kansas City, doing some personalized training with my real mom! So dad and I decided to take the kennel back to her. After some discussion, dad drove and I navigated.
When we arrived, my Practice Mom was inside working with my real mom (Bay) on some agility stuff. So we found a spot where I was only a little distracting and watched.
That’s me, cleverly hidden behind the big open gap in the barriers.
After they finished doing stuff, we chatted with the teacher for a little while, and then went outside where we wouldn’t bother the next students. That’s where we finally returned my puppy kennel. It’s hard to believe I used to fit in that thing with room to spare!
I was super happy to see my Practice Mom and my real mom again! (That’s Bay in the kennel in the car.) Just when we started to take the picture below, Bay whispered something about keeping my Practice Mom in a sit-stay for the photo, which made me laugh.
They talked for quite awhile about how great I am, so I tried to show humility by eating as many weeds as I could find. Dad wasn’t impressed and kept telling me to not do that, but they were everywhere!
Eventually we said our goodbyes and they drove away. Then dad said we were going to go to where mom works in Overland Park, KS and say hi, because someone there wanted to meet me. Since I never turn down attention or the chance to explore another business, I was all in.
Mom works in a quilting/sewing store, so I had to get some pictures in there.
After I met all the employees and most of the customers (I was very popular) I discovered the plan was to have dinner at a pizza place down the street after mom was done with work, but we got there too early and needed to kill about 90 minutes. So dad and I went out to explore downtown Overland Park for awhile.
Eventually dad and I went to the pizza place down the street and claimed a table. He even called the restaurant from the table to see if he could order something to drink, but apparently that was too confusing. So after mom arrived, he went inside and ordered.
We were sitting right on the sidewalk along the street, so all sorts of people and dogs walked by. Dad said I was really good because I just sat or laid there and watched. I didn’t get up or try to greet anyone. It was challenging, but every now and then, treats magically fell from the sky (ok I know it was dad, but it makes him happy to think I don’t know).
I also got a few bits of pizza crust and maybe a little pepperoni. Don’t tell mom.
After dinner we went home and Raven and I got to have OUR dinners! The perfect end to an afternoon of fun.
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