Since almost nobody looked at my last post with the poem I worked so hard on, I decided I should stick with posts with more photos. I’m all about views and attention you know, ’cause, well, I’m a dog and that’s kind of our thing. 🙂
We recently went to an event called the “Walk ‘n’ Wag” to raise money for the Gladstone Animal Shelter. (Raven didn’t go because she’s more of a sniffer than a wagger.)
It was held on the grounds of a historic home within a city not too far from our house, which means I was able to spend time licking the window as we drove, rather than sleeping. Dad always forgets to thank me for cleaning up the back windows.
As soon as we arrived I saw there were a LOT of other dogs there, and immediately I was pumped and ready to do my best wagging. I’m a good wagger too; I can wag my whole body (except for my nose because that’s just for genies).

There were a lot of vendors selling all sorts of dog-related things. Some were even selling other dogs! Well I guess they were adopting them, which is a grammatically awful verb-mangling way of saying they were helping other people adopt them. Just saying.
Anyway, there were people representing doggy day care and boarding facilities, training schools, equipment, and even windows (why is there always some guy selling windows?). But the best vendors had treats! Crunchy treats for dogs (that’s me), and chocolate and other poisonous stuff for mom and dad. It was awesome.
The walk itself was only about a mile long, basically following a road around the perimeter of the property. Since mom free hands (because dad had my leash) she volunteered to walk an older Aussie named Benji. Benji’s mom was one of the photographers for the event, and since she was busy he got to walk with us!

There were a lot of people and dogs walking. Mostly adult people, though some of them brought along whiny shorter versions called “kids” whose job was to walk more slowly than necessary, check for a wifi signal every ten steps, and find things to complain about.
I thought they were an unnecessary distraction, but maybe their kennels were being cleaned so they couldn’t stay home. They certainly needed shorter leashes.

As part of the walk, we went past a really old cemetary, so after we finished, we walked back up the hill to check it out. It had been there at least 150 years.

There used to be a Baptist church right in the center (and at the time, that means it was a “graveyard” not a “cemetery” — look it up, there’s a difference!). The corner stones of the original building are still there, and then there’s a facade of the front of the church there. It seemed like a good photo-op. You could almost feel the indignation that there was a dog on holy ground, heh.

One of the vendors at the event was the Gladstone Animal Clinic, which was having a grand opening that afternoon at their new location and giving tours. They said we should come, so we did, and after our tour I made dad get in the smooching booth.

The next day, we went out to a winery. This time we brought Raven because hey, what dog doesn’t like a good reisling?

We lazed around there for quite awhile. There are free-range chickens wandering around, and one came within about 10 meters of us. Why they have food wandering around outside the kitchen is beyond me, but there they were. Dad said I wasn’t allowed to catch any of them, which didn’t seem sporting. Raven and I already had a plan for her to create a distraction too. Oh well.
Oh yeah, in other news… guess what? I graduated from the “puppy grad class”, which basically means I’m ready to move on to obedience or agility or whatever. I got a certificate, and a little graduation duck (which I’m not allowed to eat for some reason) and a new toy!

Problem is, getting into an agility school is HARD. Their websites are hard to use, and they don’t announce classes much ahead of time, and they fill up in a flash. Dad says the awesome school they used to go to in Texas has ruined him forever.
We might have a line on something for mid-May because mom and dad went to visit a new school we just heard about. Stay tuned!
Lastly, just for fun, here’s a video of me playing with my friend Gracie the other day…
That’s all for now. Bye!
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