The past month has been really busy. Dad was gone a lot, and when he’s away I don’t really feel like writing. It’s weird how that works. He took some trip up north for a month, and then another trip out west for even longer, all in two weeks! While he was gone I spent most of the time bugging mom and helping her learn to get up early. (She loves that I still try to get up at 5 am even when dad isn’t here.) Dad left his truck behind though, so mom and I still took it to my classes and stuff, but I still kind of missed him a lot.
The worst part is that when mom goes to work I have to spend the day in my kennel instead of under dad’s desk or on the chair I’m not allowed to be on. Don’t get me wrong, I like my kennel — it’s my personal spot and I have it decorated just the way I like it. I sleep most of the day anyway. But… it makes it harder to know when I should bark at the neighbor kid because I can’t see out the right window.
When dad finally came home I went a little crazy. Mom was doing something loud at the time so I didn’t hear the door open, and suddenly I looked down the stairs and there he was. I tore down the stairs and ran around him in circles for about two hours until he picked me up to say hi.
Then Raven and I put on our best, “what did you bring me?” faces for a photo…
Oh yeah… I was going to write about goosh berries!
One thing that wasn’t affected by dad being away was the supply of goosh berries. You know, all those different fruits and things that goosh when you chomp down on them? I like them all. I even have a rating system for them that I call the, “Goosh Level.”
Here’s how I rank various gooshables, in no particular order.
– Goosh Level: 6
– Taste Level: 7
These are great and I usually get them whenever dad eats lunch. He mixes them with yogurt, which I sometimes get too. They’re really quick to eat. One chomp and they’re done. If they’re really fresh they’re awesome; if not, they’re like little wrinkly marbles.
– Goosh Level: 5
– Taste Level: 7
I usually get a strawberry or two with a dab of vanilla ice cream whenever mom and dad have some dessert. Strawberries have little tiny seeds in them that makes them slightly crunchy while still being a little juicy — basically just like a June bug. Fruity June bugs! That could be a new cereal. I’d buy it if I had money.
Ice Cream
– Goosh Level: 10
– Taste Level: 10
Everyone likes ice cream, right? When it’s dessert time, Raven and I each get a spoonful of ice cream in our bowls, usually squished against the bottom so we can’t just eat it in one bite. If we’re lucky there will be a blueberry or strawberry or two jammed into the ice cream as well. Those are fine-dining nights.
– Goosh Level: 8
– Taste Level: 8
I love peaches. They’re in season right now, so we have lots of them. Dad will cut a little slice off and give it to me when he’s eating one. We have white peaches and yellow peaches. I think I like the white ones better.
– Goosh Level: 10
– Taste Level: 9
I think these are the original goosh berry. We have a bush out back that they grow on, but I’m not supposed to know that. Mom brings some of them inside each day and if they’re bright red I might get one. These are like little bombs. One goosh and — POW — goosh city! They’re so much fun to eat. Don’t eat the yellow ones you find on the ground though. They make your poo weird. Just saying.
– Goosh Level: 3
– Taste Level: 6
These are apparently designed for sandwiches, but I don’t eat sandwiches. Dad does though, so I usually get a slice while he’s fixing his lunch. They don’t really goosh too much but they do have a lot of water in them. They’re like worms — it takes some effort to get the juice out of them.
– Goosh Level: 0
– Taste Level: 8
These are at the bottom of the goosh scale. Basically no goosh at all, but they’re super crunchy and tasty. Dad gives us “baby” carrots, since like people, kids just taste better. I usually take my carrot off into the other room because I have to crunch it for awhile, while Raven demolishes hers in seconds.
These are poisonous to dogs, so we don’t get them. Grapes can really mess up our kidneys and stuff. Dad eats them by the handful though, and I can hear them pop, which isn’t fair. It’s like chocolate, which is also lethal. I think dad must be a superhero or something because he can eat poison every day and be just fine. Maybe the less hair you have, the less dangerous that stuff is. I think that’s it. Maybe I’ll post it on the internet so it becomes true. Oh, dad says that wasn’t funny.
So that’s my goosh list. Hope it was educational.
The Dog Park
In other news, we went to a really cool dog park last month. It’s called “Bar-K” and is in Kansas City. It has loads of places to run and climb for dogs, and several bars and food places for humans. It’s pretty cool. Here are a couple of videos of me checking it out:
I’m also still taking agility classes. I finished the beginners and started on the fundamentals class. This class is way more fun because I get to really run. I’m crazy fast. (That’s a technical term.) If I forget to listen to dad I end up 30 yards away in a flash because it takes a while to slow my feet down. But I’m slowly getting the hang of it.
Here are a couple of videos from our class on Thursday. So far we’re doing jumps, tunnels, the dog-walk, and the table:
I think that’s about everything!
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