I’ve sort of mentioned this before, a little, but in case you forgot because somebody rattled a food bowl or you know, a squirrel showed up, I’ll back up.
Dad says he and I are going to be “agility buddies.” Apparently that means we’ll eventually go to a dog school where I get to learn how to run through tunnels and go over ramps and teeter totters and jump stuff and basically do all the actual WORK while he jogs around and calls out commands and encouragement.
He says it will be fun and I’ll like it, and he’s probably right, because last weekend I helped him cut up a bunch of PVC pipe to make 3 practice jumps. I’m not sure what PVC pipe is or what it’s really for, but I can tell you that it is not much fun to chew, and if you grab some of the shavings near the saw, they get stuck in your teeth. So don’t do that.
Anyway, dad had this saw-thing out on the driveway, and I was politely staying stuck on a rope that was tied to something heavy in the garage. We make a good team that way. Hmm. Why is the pattern always that one of us does all the work whenever we do something together?
We assembled the jumps and carried them around to the back yard. He has these little clips that attach to the vertical poles that slide up and down, so as I get bigger the jump can get higher. Because that’s fair. Not.
Then we practiced a bit, and I found out that yes, I can fly! I mean, I don’t fly very high, or very far, but I don’t run into it either so that means I’m flying over it! It’s so much fun! Raven kept giving me grief, telling me that I had way too much white fur to jump very high, so I had to prove her wrong.
Here’s a video for proof:
I know dad has a big teeter-totter in the basement that will come out here pretty soon. I’m pretty good at walking on that, but it’s only about 5″ in the air. I have a feeling that’s going to change soon.
New Class
In other news… I started my next puppy class. This one extends the previous one and is called the “Puppy Grad Class”. Four of my friends from the last class are in this one too, so it was good to catch up. I think it’s going to be fun. We were practising something called “pressure stays” the first night, which is where dad tells me to stay and then slowly pulls on my leash like he wants to drag me forward.
I didn’t know what was going on so I immediately resisted the pull and bingo!, dad released me and I got a treat! I guess it’s some weird training thing so I’m “actively” staying vs just “passively” staying. All I know is, if I get a treat they can call it whatever they want.
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